§ 14.36.080. Board of directors.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Directors shall be apportioned and appointed as set forth in this section.


    The board shall be apportioned as follows:


    In the event that the Inter-Island Ferry Authority is comprised of a single participation municipality, the board shall be comprised of one director appointed to represent that participating municipality, and two at-large directors. One of the two at-large directors shall be designated to serve the duration of his or her term, or until such time as one or more additional municipalities join the Inter-Island Ferry Authority as participating municipalities and the total number of at-large directors is reduced from two to one, whichever term is lesser.


    In the event that the Inter-Island Ferry Authority is comprised of two or more participation municipalities, the board shall be comprised of one director appointed to represent each participating municipality, and one at-large director.


    The board shall be apportioned in accordance with the following table:

    Number of Participating Municipalities
    Appointed Board Members per Municipality
    At-Large Board Members
    Total Board
    1 1 2 3
    2 1 1 3
    3 1 1 4
    4 1 1 5
    5 1 1 6
    6 1 1 7
    7 1 1 8
    8 1 1 9



    An individual appointed as a director shall:


    In the case of a participating municipality, be a qualified voter residing within the participating municipality; and


    In the case of the at-large member, be a qualified voter residing within any participating municipality.


    The mayor of each participating municipality shall, with the concurrence of its city council, appoint the director(s) representing the participating municipality.


    The board shall appoint the at-large director(s) from names submitted by the mayors of all participating municipalities. In the event that the board cannot reach a decision with regard to the proposed appointment(s) to the at-large director position(s), the board shall submit the names of not more than two candidates for each at-large position to the mayors of all participating municipalities, a majority of whom shall then, with the concurrence of their respective city councils, appoint the at-large director(s).


    Directors shall serve four-year terms; provided, however, that the directors first appointed after the creation of the Inter-Island Ferry Authority shall be randomly assigned to one of three groups, each group to be as nearly equal in number as possible. The directors assigned to one such group shall serve two-year terms; and the directors assigned to the third such group shall serve four-year terms.


    Each director shall hold office for the term of appointment and until a successor has been appointed and qualified.


    If otherwise qualified, a director is eligible to be appointed to the board for more than one term.


    A vacancy on the board shall be promptly filled by appointment as provided in this section.

(Ord. No. 09-04, § 8, 10-6-2009)